My journey with addiction
I’ve been sober from alcohol since 2013. Thats 11 years. I remember the last day I drank and the day that I stopped drinking. It has been the best 11 years of my life. I remember that the CHOICE to stop drinking was pretty clear: stop drinking or the life as you know it will be over. You’ll most likely lose your wife, your job and possibly your life.
I think that the pathway away from addiction comes down to a choice: do you want to keep going down the road you’re on or do you want to go a better way. For me it was an easy choice. The choice was clear. I realize that for some people, it may not SEEM that easy. There’s a lot wrapped up in alcohol. It becomes part of us, part of our identity. It’s how we cope with things. It’s how we connect to people.
Except for the fact that all of that is not real. These CONNECTIONS aren’t real. They’re based on falsehoods. They’re based on communication that isn’t from our true/essential selves. We think we’ve vibing with people on the same level but its all bullshit.
Think about having. A conversation with someone when you’re drunk. How much of that conversation do you remember and retain the next day. Do you even remember the persons NAME that you were having this deep and powerful conversation with?!?
Now think about having that same conversation sober. Think about the realness of it. Think about the depth of it. Think about how this conversation could just be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Or it could lead to nothing. But at least you’ve given it a chance.