Let’s Ride The Wave Together

I’m hoping you’ll see my truth and authenticity here. Something you can relate to. Someone you can relate to. I’m looking to help in any way I can.

Sean Thorpe Sean Thorpe

My journey with addiction

I’ve been sober from alcohol since 2013. Thats 11 years. I remember the last day I drank and the day that I stopped drinking. It has been the best 11 years of my life. I remember that the CHOICE to stop drinking was pretty clear: stop drinking or the life as you know it will be over. You’ll most likely lose your wife, your job and possibly your life.

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Sean Thorpe Sean Thorpe

Poem for Purpose

To get to that poise,

You gotta cut through the noise,

To gain that clarity,

Get up offa that knee,

That confidence will come,

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Reach out to me

If anything here speaks to you, please reach out to me. Or if you know of anyone who could use some help or someone to talk to, please send them my way.